Introduction: LifeHacks #1
This is a simple way to make a shelf only using pushpins. It looks great and its much better than having to install shelf to your wall. And it is less expensive.
Step 1: Get Materials
For this simple life hack you will need pushpins. I used jumbo sized one's but you can use any size you want. If you are hanging this up like lanyards or headphones, smaller ones work best. If you are using a sword like me, then you can use JUMBO sized.
Step 2: Get Real
Now what you want to do is stick the pins on your canvas. You can do it however you want. Because in this life hack we are setting things up, as if it was a board, make sure your line is straight.
Step 3: Almost Done
Now that your pushpins are canvas now you can set what ever you want on the pushpins. Here are examples of a few easy house hold items you could use.
Step 4: You Are All Set
Hope you like it. More life hacks on the way. Live long and Prosper puny Human.