Introduction: Light-Up Bluetooth Speaker
I will be using a class D rechargeable 2x3W bluetooth amplifier to connect 2"x4" televison speakers in a laser cut luan plywood box.
Step 1: Circuit for Lights
Using a 555 timer IC chip and an IC 4017 digital counter chip, I created a circuit that has two sets of ten lights. One set blinks in sequence and the other set blinks in the same sequence ten times faster. These lights will go around my speakers to create the light-up effect.
Step 2: Speaker Grills
The speaker grills were more of a process. At first I started with larger round speakers (6" diameter) and then moved to smaller rectangle speakers (4"x2").
Step 3: Design Box
To make the casing for the bluetooth board, I needed to find the best use of space but also enough space for the battery not to sit on top of the board because the heat from the battery could corrupt the board.
Step 4: Cut and Paint Luan Plywood Box
To cut the wood for the box, I drew up the shapes on *********** and used a laser to cut the plywood and used black paint on where the hole for the speaker is so that you can't see the wood behind the speaker head.
Step 5: Inserting Lights and Grills
The speakers are rear mounted with 3D printed corner holders. The black paint on the surface of the wood behind the grill is to create more of a contrast from the white grill and the black speaker, and the lights fit into the speaker grill are friction fit.
Step 6: Finish Box
I used wood glue and granite weights to glue the box together and used epoxy to hold down the pieces inside
Step 7: Finish and Stain Box
To stain the wood, I used a gunstock color and then finished it off with two coats of a clear gloss finish.