Introduction: Lit Oxygen Bohr Model
Let's make a lighted 3D Oxygen bohr model!
Outdoor patio string lights with at least 24 bulbs (Fully plastic)
Spray paint in Red, Blue, Yellow, Black
Electrical tape in black ( I used 2 rolls)
1 " Letter stickers N, P, E ( jpg* I used a cricut with vinyl but these can be printed on waterproof stickers and trimmed)
Embroidery hoops size 12" and 9 " ( *7" if making nucleus or can use metal wire for this part like I did)
Small metal ring (for nucleus *optional *read above)
White acrylic paint or paint marker ( * optional if you want to outline the letters on the bulbs)
Thin floral wire ( *floral wire is better than fishing wire for this purpose)
Black marker for touch ups
Wire cutters / pliers or something to cut out the plastic tabs and to bend the brackets
Black Yarn ( For tightening the "nucleus")
2 3"x 3" Metal brackets for support
Bond epoxy and disposable gloves ( cold welding epoxy like J-B WELD ORIGINAL)
Display board of your preference / preferably weighted (we used a ceramic tile)
Extra pair of hands! Mom, dad, grandma... dog . You will need assistance in some cases!
Step 1: Arrange Bulbs
Cut and discard the plastic clips from the string lights. Start arranging these (16 bulbs) into a bulb "bouquet". I arranged mine into 4 bundles of 4 then wrapped them together in a "ball" with electrical tape. This is why plastic bulbs are important here there's a lot of fussing and manipulation going on. You want the least possible wire showing. You will later make this nucleus "tighter" with the use of yarn.
Step 2: Spray Paint
Once you have your nucleus formed you can test the lighting to make sure it looks good. Remove the remaining bulbs from the rest of the light string and you want to use 8 of these to start putting the letter stickers on. Apply the stickers and arrange them where they can be spray painted. (I used a box with skewers to hold mine in place)
Spray paint in red. [[Paying special attention to the bottoms so not to be shown while lighted]] I recommend just right after painting to carefully remove the stickers so they do not get stuck on ! Let them air dry. You will proceed to do these same steps with the rest of the bulbs 8 more for yellow and 8 more for blue.
Step 3: Fit and Adjust As Needed
Once all the bulbs are fully dry and stickers are off you can (optional) outline these with white acrylic paint or markers. Randomly place the red and yellow bulbs on the nucleus. Take the black yarn and cut about 36 inches. Make one loop at the end of the string. You will then take this and wrap around the nucleus as shown. Pass the other end of the string into the loop and pull to "tighten" the electrical tape bundle where the nucleus is. Wrap around until the desired shape then tie a knot to another part of the string to secure in place. This will help the lightbulbs be a lot closer and hide the wiring as much as possible.
Step 4: Measure Spacing on the Rings
Measure the nucleus inside the embroidery hoops. Then measure the distance of the outer bulb string where the (electrons) will be to make sure you have adequate spacing. One of the bulb spaces will be extra. After measuring take the extra bulb out and paint or tape black so it's not shown, Then proceed to spray paint the rings and supporting brackets in black. Let dry.
Step 5: Begin Attaching the Light String to the Rings
Once the rings are fully dry begin by attaching the nucleus to the smaller ring ( In my case I used the 9" embroidery ring as the inner shell ). Wrap the cord around the ring and follow by taping it down as well with electrical tape. Once this is in place proceed to wrap 2 of the electron bulbs on this inner ring with the cord facing to the left . Continue to wrap the cord down the left side of the inner circle until you can cross it to the outer circle. Here on this outer shell you will place 2 more bulbs together and tape down. You can follow the diagram for the sequence in the picture below.
Step 6: Finish Securing the Elements
Once in the outer circle and after taping down the first pair of bulbs in this area, proceed to wrap or guide the light string to the top of the circle (right) so now is in place where the initial bulbs are located. You will tape down another 2 bulbs in this area. Continue to guide the light string to the right to the right down the outer circle and place / tape a single bulb. Continue down the ring until the last single bulb is placed and taped in. ( Follow the picture sequence)
Step 7: Finishing Touches and Attach to Display Board
Using floral wire attach the embroidery circles together in several spots so they are in place and centered. Paint the floral wire with a black marker.We bent our brackets to fit the circular shape of the ring. Attach the support brackets on the bottom making sure not to perforate the wire OR use a cold weld epoxy like we did . Attach to the display board or tile as you like. Attach the nucleus ring (optional ) using tape or fixture of your choice.