Introduction: Lightsaber Out of Flashlight in 3 Easy Steps
This is how you make a lightsaber out of a flashlight in three easy steps. Have Fun with it. May The Force Be With You.
Step 1: The Materials
Ok so what you will need for this build is
A piece of luminescent pipe
Some duct tape
A flashlight
And some origami paper I didn't have any left so I left it out of the pic it can be blue, green, red, purple (etc.)
Step 2: The Origami Paper
Add your Origami paper over the light and tape it down.
Step 3: Duct Tape and Luminescent Pole
So after you have the origami paper on you then take the pole that you have and tape it to the light. After that is completed you are finished. Have Fun. And may the force be with you.