Introduction: Lila, the Gourmet Soft Toy !

Let's sew a little biche who loves macaroons and have wings to fly everywhere there is good macaroons to eat !

Step 1: ​How to Make Lila, the Gourmet Bichette Winged?


- Various fabrics: for body, wings and arms / feet and skirt

- Ribbon

- Felt for the macaroon and the heart

- Wire, needle, pins

- Fleece (or an Ikea pillow)

- Eyeballs (or buttons)

- Paper, pencils

Step 2:


1) Draw on a sheet the 4 elements of your Lila: its body, a form for the arms and a form for the legs, the wings.

2) On a piece of cloth folded in two, face to face, transfer the shape of the body.

3) On the spot, sew the heart cut out of felt, and embroider the eyes and nose (or sew buttons or draw with special textile pen).

4) For arms and legs: sew right side up a band of the color of the hands and feet (the red gingham here) and a rectangle of the same color as the body. Open: you now have a piece of fabric composed of two colors!

5) Fold the rectangle up against the right side and twice the shape of the arms and twice the shape of the legs, taking care to put the seam of hands and feet in the right place!

6) Sew by leaving the opening at the top of the arms and legs. Cut out 0.5 cm from the seam, crown and turn. Fill with fleece.

7) The wings: transfer the design of the wings onto two rectangles of fabric (always face to face, obviously!) Sew leaving an opening! Cut 0.5 cm from the seam, crochet, flip and stuff! Close hand opening!

8) Caution! We will fix the limbs to the body: pin the arms and legs between the two rectangles of body tissue, making sure to place the ends well. The arms and legs must be inside! Replace the rectangles of the body right side up, with the limbs locked in between. Pin and sew! Be careful not to sew your hands or feet! Leave an opening to return the whole (enough to make the members pass well).

9) Cut, crown, flip and stuff! Close the opening and sew the wings in the back!

10) How beautiful Lila is!

Step 3: ​The Lila Macaroon:

1) In felt, cut two identical rounds in brown and a sun in white to make the cream. Make as two purses with the brown parts, padding with fleece.

2) Insert the white part between the two by folding the tips to make like cream. Fix it all together and sew on Lila's hands!

The skirt of Lila:

1) Cut out a rectangle of fabric. Fold and sew width. Make a slide along the entire length leaving an opening. Slide an elastic. Check the size on Lila, tie the elastic and close the slide by hand.

Do not forget to tie a ribbon to Lila's neck so she does not get cold.

Step 4: She Is So Pretty !

And now, this is Lila !