Introduction: LinkitONE Footstep Counter
Many of us want to count number of people entering in an event or any room. Here I will show you how you can make your own footstep counter!
Step 1: Parts
1 x LinkitONE
1 x Pizeoeletric sensor
1 x Mat
Step 2: Connect the Sensor
Connect your pizeo sensor to your Linkit board on its A0 pin.
Step 3: Connect USB Cable
Connect your USB cable now so we can see serial monitor.
Step 4: Code
Burn this code to your linkitone.
void setup() {
int number=0;
void loop() { /
if (analogRead(0)>700) {
Step 5: Keep Sensor Under a Mat
Keep your sensor under a mat so that its hidden as shown in the image attached.
Step 6: Open Serial Monitor and Test It
Open serial monitor, and keep some footsteps on it. You will see the values increase.