Introduction: Link’s Hylian Shield From Breath of the Wild
Link's Shield from the Legend of Zelda games is one of the most iconic symbols around. For St. Louis Comic Con this year I am planning on making costumes from Breath of the Wild. Here is the first piece.
- Shield pattern
- 10mm, 6mm, 4mm eva foam
- box cutter
- knife sharpner
- contact cement
- heat gun
- creature cast or plasti dip
- A chip brush
- Kwik seal
- pallet knife
- Dremel
- silver, gold, red, blue paint
- 220 grit sandpaper or higher.
Step 1: All About the Base
Print out pattern and tape it together. Cut out the base of the shield 10mm. I cut it out in 2 parts. I did not have a piece of foam big enough to cut our a sold piece. The glue together each side.
Step 2: Cut and Cover
Cut out another base piece. I used 6mm here. I wanted to use this piece to cover seam in the middle and to give the shield more stability. Glue cover on top of the. Line up the sides a best you can. Once they are glued together heat form both sides of the shield to give it a small curve.
Step 3: Details
Add the border (10mm), the Crimson Loftwing (4mm), The Triforce (10mm), and the S patterned (10mm),
Step 4: A Place to Hold on To
Add a Handle to the back of the shield (10mm) and an extra strip that will go around your arm (4mm).
Step 5: Hide Your Crimes
Clean up the edges of the shield with the Dremel tool and heat seal the foam with the heat gun. The foam should look shiny and close all the open pores of the foam. Fill in any open seams with Kwik seal. Smooth out with water and let dry over night.
Step 6: Seal It Up
To seal the foam I used 5 layers of Creature Cast for the front of the shield. Then 3 layers for the back. Clean off your brush after each layer and let each layer dry before adding the next one. Since this stuff is liquid rubber there will be times where parts will clump up. After the creator cast has dried over night the surface can be sanded down to get a smooth surface.
Step 7: Time for Paint
Paint the inside of the shield blue, the Loftwing red, the Triforce gold and the rest of the shield silver. Whether the Shield to look how beat up you want it to look.