Introduction: Links Sword
This is a fast and easy way to make links sword
Step 1: Materials
You will need: cardboard,PVC pipe,one pingpon ball,a wooden plank 2 inches wide and 33 inches long,a saw,hot glue gun blue and gold paint
Step 2: The Middle Part
This is the part where you need cardboard
I did this part by going on the computer and finding a picture
After finding a picture I made templates out of paper and then put them on cardboard
Step 3: The Blade
The blade is the plank of wood with the end cut to look like a point
Step 4: The Handle
The PVC handle must be cut at the end like this on the black
Step 5:
Cut the pingpog ball in half
Step 6: Assembling
Put the PVC on the on the wood and glue it
Then glue all the cardboard to the PVC and wood
And I found a thing that I glued on the back
And finally glue on the pingpong balls
Step 7: The Sheaf
For the sheaf I just measured the wood and cut out some cardboard
Step 8:
Now it's all done : )