Introduction: Linux : Keyboard Shortcuts for Solitaire!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

Here's some useful keyboard shortcuts for solitaire on linux

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Step 1: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 1

1. Ctrl + N

  • New Game

2. Ctrl + O

  • Select Game

- Under Select Game

* Accordion

* Agnes

* Athena

* Auld Lang Syne

* Aunt Mary

* Backbone

* Bakers Dozen

* Bakers Game

* Bear River

* Beleaguered Castle

* Block Ten

* Bristol

* Camelot

* Canfield

* Carpet

* Chessboard

* Clock

Step 2: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 2

- Under Select Game (Cont.)

* Cover

* Cruel

* Diamond Mine

* Doublets

* Eagle Wing

* Easthaven

* Eight Off

* Elevator

* Eliminator

* Escalator

* First Law

* Fortress

* Fortunes

* Forty Theives

* Fourteen

* Freecell

* Gaps

* Gay Gordons

* Giant

* Glenwood

Step 3: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 3

- Under Select Game (Cont.)

* Gold Mine

* Golf

* Gypsy

* Hamilton

* Helsinki

* Hopscotch

* Isabel

* Jamestown

* Jumbo

* Kansas

* King Albert

* Kings Audience

* Klondike

* Labyrinth

* Lady Jane

* Maze

* Monte Carlo

* Napoleons Tomb

* Neighbor

* Odessa

Step 4: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 4

- Under Select Game (Cont.)

* Osmosis

* Peek

* Pileon

* Plait

* Poker

* Quatorze

* Royal East

* Saratoga

* Scorpion

* Scuffle

* Seahaven

* Sir Tommy

* Spider

* Spiderette

* Spider Three Decks

* Straight Up

* Streets And Alleys

* Ten Across

* Terrace

* Thieves

Step 5: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 5

- Under Select Game (Cont.)

* Thirteen

* Thumb And Pouch

* Treize

* Triple Peaks

* Union Square

* Valentine

* Wall

* Westhaven

* Whitehead

* Will O the Wisp

* Yield

* Yukon

* Zebra

3. F11 or Fn + F11

  • Fullscreen

- If you press F11 or Fn + F11 once, it will open Fullscreen

- When Solitaire is in Fullscreen, the Menu will Disappear

- If you press F11 or Fn + F11 agian, it will go back and the Menu will be Visible again

4. Ctrl + Z

  • Undo

5. Ctrl + Shift + Z

  • Redo

6. Ctrl + D

  • Deal

- This will Deal the next card

7. Ctrl + H

  • This will give you a Hint

Step 6: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 6

8. F1 or Fn + F1

  • Open Help

9. Shift + F1 or Shift + Fn + F1

  • Open Help for the current game

10. Ctrl + W

  • Close