Introduction: Listen to All of Your Music Online

I have found a great option for studying, doing homework, and anything really on your computer. You can make a party mix to play at parties too!! Feel free to express yourself. Your probably wondering what I'm talking about. It's something called I work better when listening to music, but my iPod is never charged. Luckily I'm on my computer. Most of the time...

Anyway, I'm an auditory learner and do best with music in the background (Not T.V.). is a free website that you can choose music to add to playlists that you can listen too as long as you have a Internet connection. You can figure it all out yourself, or you can read through the following steps to learn the basics and maybe not quite so basic tools for the website.

Website -

Step 1: Creating a Music Playlist

Once you create an account (don't use false information, there's nothing bad about this site. Even if it sound like it might be). You get to the homepage. Its pretty nice, there is a sponsored playlist on the homepage as well as three or four other playlists to chose from, but what we want to do is make one for our use. This is, in fact, quite simple.

1. Click the My Playlist button at the top of the page, and then the Create a New Playlist Under Quick Links
2. You are asked to create a name for your playlist and an optional description. If you want, you can check the option that allows your friends to add music to it.
3. Once you have made your playlist, you can add music to it. Click the Arrange Tracks then add some

Here is a link for the invite to add music to the playlist.

Step 2: Arranging Your Playlist

So far, you have made a Playlist, chosen songs and created an account. Now we are going to rearrange the music so that it sounds "good" to you.

Step 1: Go to My Playlists at the top of your screen.
Step 2: Find the playlist you just made and click the link.
Step 3: Under Manage Playlist, go to Arrange Tracks
Step 4: Now you can drag the songs in any order you want
  • When you post music on the Instructables Playlist, please don't move the music other people have posted.
  • You can also delete tracks from here. Definitely don't do this on the Instructables Playlist.
Step 5: Save the changes * Only change the order of your songs in the Instructables Playlist *

Step 3: Getting Your Custom URL

This is very simple and really cool.

I am not able to give screenshots of the process because I have already done this and you can only change it once.

Step 1: Click My Account on the top of the screen. * Its the only white one *
Step 2: There is a small link at the top of your page that says "Get your custom URL", Click it.
Step 3: Now enter what you want for your URL.
  • Please don't get Instructables as your custom URL, save that for the staff.
Step 4: Click the button that says "Get It" and there you go, you got your URL

Step 4: Saving a Playlist to Your Desktop

This isn't too hard, but you will need Google Chrome

This DOES NOT work with Mac computers. Sorry

Step 1: Get Google Chrome
Step 2: Choose a Playlist to download
Step 3: Open the pop-out player
Step 4: Copy the URL thats on the top of the screen
Step 5: Open a new tab in Chrome
Step 6: Go to the icon that looks like a "New" icon in word processors and click "Create Application Shortcuts"
Step 7: Choose where you want it to be on your computer.

Now you don't have to load up Chrome and find it in your bookmarks

Download Google Chrome:

Step 5: What You Have Learned

We have just made a playlist for listening to anytime you have a Internet connection, getting a custom URL for your account, and saving your playlist on your computer. You can do all of these things except for saving the playlist to your computer with a Mac computer.

As I said earlier, this is great when studying or doing homework if your not distracted by music. In fact, I am planning on writing a book based loosely on one of my songs on my playlists (Not the Instructables one). I recommend listening to the playlists you make while playing games. Especially if the game has crappy music... And even if you don't plan on doing this, its a great for choosing music to get on iTunes.