Introduction: Little Free Library From Pallet Wood

Looking for a pallet wood project.

Step 1: Break Up the Pallets

Using a hammer and crow bar i tried to disassemble the pallets without damaging too much wood.

Step 2: Build a Library With the Wood.

I didn't really measure or plan this just like my arcade projects I just made. I apologize in advance. I don't measure or draw up prints I just do things. I'm like a dog chasing a car. I don't know what I'm going to do with it once I catch it.

Step 3: Watch People Actually Use It.

I built this for my niece she gets to check it everyday for new books. I did this to help promote her reading more.

Step 4: Get Featured in the Local Newspaper.

This came out of left field, i had no idea this was going to make the paper.

Step 5: Post Project on!

Total out of pocket expense was $15 dollars due to leftover materials from old projects and throw away pallets.