Introduction: LittleBot: Simple Arduino Robot Kit Video Assembly Tutorial

About: At LittleBots we are creating 3D Printed Robot Kits that get Kids excited about robotics and STEM

The LittleBot robotics kit was created to be a simple introduction to robotics. It shows all the necessary components of robotics, sensing, decision-making, and articulation all in a nice, easy to assemble package.

The LittleBot is fully 3D printed, which allows it to be assembled with only 3 screws (7 if you are being over-zealous). It is also controlled by and Arduino Nano, to take advantage of the global community around that. The LittleBot has several modes normally, including wander, remote-control (with android app), line follow, and wall follow. Code for all of these are available on the downloads page of the LittleBots website. LittleBot was fully funded on Kickstarter in the middle of 2017 and recently completed deliveries. The kits are now available on the LittleBots website. All of the 3D printing files for the LittleBot are available on Thingiverse. The Arduino Code is on the LittleBots download page.

This tutorial is fairly short. We are only posting the assembly Video and the Wiring Diagram for the LittleBot. We will post a detailed, step-by-step very soon. But we wanted this resource to be available.

What you need.

  • 2x Continuous Rotation Servos
  • 1x Meped/LittleBot PCB
  • 1x Arduino Nano
  • 1x HC-06 Bluetooth Module
  • 1x Ultrasonic Sensor
  • 1x 6v 4 AA Battery Holder

All of these supplies can be purchased on the LittleBots Website

Step 1: Assemby and Wiring Diagram

Use the steps defined in the video above to assemble your LittleBots.

The wiring diagram details how to connect expansion sensors. Please note that the line sensor and the IR wall following sensor cannot be connected simultaneously. There are not enough mounting points, or power pins, to support both types of sensors.

All of the Arduino Code needed for any of the functions can be downloaded on the LittleBots Website. Walter_OS give you Android control of the Wander and Remote Modes

Problems with Bluetooth

  • Make sure that bluetooth and USB are not connected simultaneously. They interfere with each other.
  • Ensure that you pair the bluetooth first and then connect to it within the app (The bluetooth password is 1234. The same as all HC-05 modules)