Introduction: Live Innovation Making (DIY Electronic)

About: Khaled Elnems is an (Q.C. & CAD Tech.) born & based in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. with experience Over 15 years working with International Consultants under Municipalities in the field of Construction/ O&M …
Simply it is meaning show how can do the a new Innovation by self with available material  and with cheap cost
The message for Innovation not only Marketing and sells but also meaning how we can Enter the high Tec. and New technology in our live and How can dissemination the open knowledge

What the benefits if we keep this innovations & high Tec. As patents  or prototypes if we can share it  with all people

I think that is a Inventor Message
And Here I will explain my Innovations
(How Can Do It by Self With Available and Cheap Material)

Khaled Elnems

Step 1: The Fishing by Bluetooth

The Fishing by Bluetooth
Registered Patent No.: 1997.7. 731
Now You Can Fishing by Bluetooth through The Device for Fishing Alarm  by Bluetooth:
Only fix your Fish hook & Fix this Device for Fishing Alarm by Bluetooth in fishhook
And Paired your mobile via Bluetooth with this Device   for Fishing Alarm by Bluetooth
Since if the fish pull string from fish hook, the device sending Bluetooth Message
to fisherman mobile to inform him there is Fish in hook
Also that is another Option for this device   it is send Weighing Fish Information
in same Message to fisherman mobile to inform him there is Fish also inform him
the Weighing Fish to protect broken the fish hook Only Pulling you Fish after received
Alarm Bluetooth Message to your Mobile
Now No need to sitting beside the fish hook & Can be Fixed a lot of fish hooks
(The device will be responsible to inform you)  By Bluetooth Message to your Mobile
The device accuracy to alarm better than some other ways it can affected by
(winds & Sea waves)
Broken Protection for fish-hook (Because maybe the weigh for fish higher than fish-hook limited weighing and this case broken it)

This device win of Silver Medal on Nov. 10 in The 3rd International Inventions Exhibition (Kuwait)
This device win of Silver Medal on Dec. 10 in The  International  Cyber Genius Inventor Fair CIGIF2010 (Korea)
Got Evaluation Certificate on 3rd innovation & invention exhibition "Future Scientists" (Egypt)
This device win of Bronze Medal on Dec. 11 in The International Inventor Fair SIIF2011 (Korea)
Win Silver Medal 3rd International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2012) (Malaysia)
Win Bronze Medal in The Third International Innovation and Invention Conference is "Environment and Health".  The 3rd IIIC Taipei, Taiwan (under UAE Section).
Win Silver Medal in The  "New Time" International Innovation * New Technologies Exhibition- Ukraine 
Win Bronze Medal in The Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart (INST 2012) Taiwan

Show Video for this Device for Fishing Alarm by Bluetooth

We Can do it :
By Available and Cheap Material =10$ only

Step 2: Device for Preserve Electrical Energy Via Bluetooth Technology

Device for Preserve Electrical Energy via Bluetooth Technology
Registered No.: 00210 /2010 (A Sustainable UAE Program)
Only installed this device (It is working by Bluetooth) on the lighting switch or air conditioning switch And linked to any mobile via Bluetooth

When far away from this device(Bluetooth range = 10 m), the device automatically switch (off )the power to provide Electricity (And No need every time when the same person enters this room to re-link with the device,
it connects automatically because already linked before.
Also be controlled by mobile (via Bluetooth) to this electrical switch (close and open it) or making timer for lighting

Challenge :
The consumption of electric power by forgot the lighting switch or air conditioning switch working (Consume electricity without take advantage) and indirectly, we increase the proportion of carbon emitted into the air by (That the more we consume has increased our consumption of electricity we use more fuel in power plants and lead to increased carbon emissions from these stations)
Some device in existing counterparts cannot Solving the problems: It is different than other devices for controlled light
because it use New technology for automatically sense you by Mobile Bluetooth Or Like Sensors infra-red & Ultrasound Device: Must be the build area scanned open and clear-sensitive (open areas) because the doors, wall, partitions and stairs, etc... it hamper Effectiveness of device system
The international innovation Fourth Special Prize (Diploma No.2011-659) from (The Federation of Korean Industries) on SEOUL INTERNATIONAL INVENTION FAIR (SIIF) Korea (Under U.A.E Section)
Win of Gold Medal in The International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair CIGIF2010 (Korea)
Win Silver Medal in The Third International Innovation and Invention Conference is "Environment and Health ". The 3rd IIIC Taipei, Taiwan
Win Gold Medal on Aug.2012 in "New Time" Innovation Exhibition (Ukraine)
The 7th International Exhibition of Inventions (Kunshan) from China Association of Invention 12
Win Bronze Medal Taipei lnt'l invention Show & Techno mart invention Contest 2012 (Taiwan)
Win Bronze Medal 3rd International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2012) (Malaysia)
Win Bronze Medal in The International Invention (KIWIE2011) (Korea)
Got Evaluation Certificate in 3rd innovation and invention exhibition "Future Scientists 2010“(Egypt)
Win Gold Medal on Jul.2012 in The MACAU Comm. & International Innovation & Invention Expo. (Russia)

Show Video for this Device for Preserve Electrical Energy via Bluetooth:

We Can do it :
By Available and Cheap Material =15$ only