Introduction: Live Stream Spy Car
In this project you will mount a camera on any RC vehicle to turn it into a spy car
When you build this you can use any camera/camcorder that has a wifi feature or wireless remote. I will be using the Eyespy Spyder cam
Step 1: You Will Need...
1. RC car
2. Any wireless recording device
Step 2: Attaching the Camera to the RC Vehicle
When attaching the camera to the RC car be sure that...
1. It's not in the way so the vehicle can't move
2. The camera is pointed at the right height and direction
3. You use least amount of tape possible so you can remove it from the RC car without wasting tape
Step 3: Drive It!!!
Once you have the spy car assembled, turn everything on and drive it!
You can also attach the viewing screen to your remote
Step 4: Troubleshooting
If your car won't move...
1.Try putting in new batteries
2. Make sure your remote is in range with the car
3. Make sure your remote is on the same frequency with the car
4. Ask the manufacturer
If your video screen won't show any footage...
1. Make sure your screen is in range with the camera
2. Ask manufacturer