Introduction: Lock Out/Tag Out

Lockout/Tagout is a required OSHA procedure to be used anytime work is to be performed on a piece of equipment in order to prevent the hazardous release of energy during the repair which may cause harm to those using or near the equipment. OSHA has developed a specific set of guidelines for various industries such as agriculture, construction and manufacturing to determine when Lockout/Tagout is to be used.

Disclaimer: Lockout/Tagout should only be done by certified individuals.Machines vary vastly in their energy source so it is necessary to be sure that all stored energy has been properly disabled and released prior to performing any repairs to that machine.

At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to effectively Lockout/Tagout all energy sources that could cause harm if not properly shut down,locked and tagged when repairing a machine.


  • OSHA certified locking device(s)
  • Lockout Tag

Step 1: Identify Energy Sources

Identify all energy sources which need to be disabled to create a safe working environment such as electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, gravity, nuclear, chemical etc..

Step 2: Notify Personnel

Notify all affected personnel of the work to be performed, and a timeline for the work being complete. Be sure to include any potential process changes which may be altered with the equipment.

Step 3: Shut Down Equipment

Shut down the equipment per the standard operating procedure (S.O.P).

Step 4: Lockout/Tagout Equipment

Lockout/Tagout all primary energy sources which are the main sources of power such as electric, gas, hydraulic, etc..

Step 5: Secondary Energy Sources

Look for secondary energy sources (stored energy: Pressurized lines, unsecured moving parts which could fall etc.)

Step 6: Test Lockout/Tagout

Test that your lockout has addressed all potential hazards from all energy sources by attempting to start the machine.

Step 7: Perform Machine Repair

Once all possibilities of the hazardous release of energy have been secured, perform work to be done to the machine. Insure to communicate the progress of the work and Lockout/Tagout procedures are relayed properly in the event of a shift change, and that those to continue the repair place their locks on the equipment as you remove yours.

Step 8: Restart the Machine

Once all repairs and procedures have been completed, Lockout/Tagout devices have been removed and all affected personnel have been notified, turn the equipment on to ensure that the repair was successful.

Step 9: Lockout/Tagout in Review