Introduction: Long-Lasting Pencil Candle

 This guide will teach you how to make a pencil candle that doesn't drip wax.

Step 1: Supplies

 You will need:
1. A pencil (Preferably the ones that don't have the paint)
2. Match or some sort of lighter
3. Candle Wax ( You can also get normal wax and heat it over the pencil)
4. If you are under 11 you NEED someone older to help you. I'm not responsible for any injuries or burnt down: Carpets, Window shades, clothing, or houses)

Step 2:

 Light a candle

Step 3:

 Let the candle heat up. Then blow it out and smother the tip of the pencil in wax.

Step 4:

Light the tip of the pen. Try to get the wax part.

Step 5: Pencil Candle