Introduction: Loom Bracelet Fishtail Tutorial
A beautiful bracelet which is really easy and fun to make
Step 1: Things Needed
You will need
2 loom pegs
A hook
Ofcourse some rubber loom bands
And s or c clip
2 loom pegs
A hook
Ofcourse some rubber loom bands
And s or c clip
Step 2: Placing Bands
Place a band like an 8 shape as shown above
Then add to more bands (not the shape of an 8)
You might notice that the second picture is upside down so plz rotate yur device so you can see it correctly
Then add to more bands (not the shape of an 8)
You might notice that the second picture is upside down so plz rotate yur device so you can see it correctly
Step 3: Lets Get Hooking
So now start hooking take the band in the bottom from one side and bring it carefully in the middle
Do the same for the other side
Do the same for the other side
Step 4: A Lil Help
Now to continue your bracelet place another band after hooking and then pick up the bottom band and repeat step 4
Do the same for as much long as you want it
Do the same for as much long as you want it
Step 5: Continue
Continue step 3 and 4 for the length of your bracelet be careful not to make it too short nor too big
Step 6: You Have Done It
You have done it now you will se there are now only 2 bands left
I hope you know how to do single chain it is the same hooking but with only 1 band less
Do it and carefully take the left band out of the pegs
I hope you know how to do single chain it is the same hooking but with only 1 band less
Do it and carefully take the left band out of the pegs
Step 7: Finishing Touches
Now all that is left to do is add an s clip
Join it to the eachvend of the bracelet
It is easy isnt it
You've done it
Join it to the eachvend of the bracelet
It is easy isnt it
You've done it
Step 8: There Is a Bet
Dont forget to comment and share and i will be apprecieated to add more tutorials for you all
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Thankyou for viewing my instructable