Introduction: Lubing Clutch Cable and Lever Bushing

About: Living the Dream Coach life in Techshop San Jose
Is your clutch getting harder to pull in? Good news is that it dosen't take much at all to fix this problem. All you need are a few tools to get this job done. Unfortunately, I live in a condo and all I have for a garage is a dimly lit underground space. Being at Techshop has its perks!! I can work on this project in a nicely lit auto bay.

Step 1:

For this project, tools are minimal. 10mm socket and extension, cable luber, paper towels, and cable lube.

Step 2: Remove Clutch Lever

If you are not going to grease the clutch lever bushing, go ahead and skip this step. Instead, remove the clutch lever via adjuster.

Lets start by removing the clutch lever bolt with our 10mm socket.

Once the lever is loose, remove it part way from the assembly.

Align cable with the cable adjuster slot the remove the whole lever.

Step 3: Using Lube Tool

Now that the cable is out, insert cable into tool and tighten down the screws.

Step 4: Lets Get Lubing!!

Once you have the cable lubing tool on the clutch cable,  put a nice amount of paper towels underneath the other end of the clutch cable.

Attach red nozzle of the can of cable lube to the rubber hole in the cable lubing tool. Spray a good amount of lube and once you see some on the paper towel, you are done.

Wipe off all over spray and residue from the cable. You don't want this stuff to get on your pegs or foot controls.

Step 5: Greasing Clutch Lever Bushing.

Ok, we got the cable all lubed up. Now lets grease the bushing. This will also aid in having a smooth lever pull.

Slide out bushing and apply white lithium grease.

Reinstall bushing into lever. Put everything back together and adjust cable accordingly.