Introduction: Luminance Sensor

Hello! In this tutorial, you will learn how to make an Arduino Luminance Sensor. When using this sensor, you can know if the brightness of your location is suitable for your needs. When using 3C products in the room, you often don't know if the brightness of the room will hurt your eyes. So use this Luminance sensor to set the brightness in advance. Then, as long as the brightness of the room is lower than the brightness you designed, there will be a speaker. Make a sound reminder to turn on the light to avoid the room being too dark and hurting the eyes.

Step 1: Step 1: Prepare Materials

To do the project you need:

1. Arduino Leonardo

2. wires

3. speaker

4. Photoresistance

5. cardboard

Step 2: Step 2: Code Arduino

To code the Arduino:

Step 3: Step 3: Connect the Circuit

Step 4: Step 4: Make the Outward Appearance of the Project

Here are steps to make the outward appearance of the project:

1. Use the red cardboard to make a H28.2cm*W13.4cm*D7.7cm box to put the Arduino board in.

2. Put the Arduino board into the box, use tape fix the Arduino board, to keep the hole on top of the Photoresistance.

3. Cut two hole, the smaller one need to be on top of the Photoresistance, and the bigger one can be any where you want, use to make inside of the box brighter.

Step 5: