Introduction: Lumpy Space Princess Pillow (Adventure Time)

About: I just like to make things. I dabble in a lot of mediums and usually don't like to spend money on parts, so most of my work is made with leftover materials. I love different forms of storytelling, and have a g…
"Oh, yeah, I'm havin' a fun time."

Making this toy is simplicity itself, great for  novice sewers and fans of Adventure Time. Now you can bring a little of the Land of Ooo into the real world with your favorite sassy drama queen princess.

Step 1: Stuff You Need

Sewing Needle
Embroidery Needle
Washable Marker
Paper (for a template)

Purple Fabric
Slightly Different Purple Fabric
Yellow Fabric
Black Fabric
Black Embroidery Thread

Step 2: Stitches

Threading the needle

To start off, poke the end of your thread through the eye of your needle. Pull a fair length of thread through the eye. Unravel enough thread from the spool so that there are matching lengths of thread trailing from both sides of the eye and cut off.

Tie the two loose ends together with a large knot, essentially tying several knots in the same place. This can be done easily by looping the thread around your index finger and rolling the loop between your thumb and finger, twisting it several times. Pull the loose end through the twisted loop and tighten into a knot. Now when you pull the thread through your fabric it should stop at the knot instead of pulling completely through.

The Running Stitch

When you are stitching you should have a line you're following, whether it is visibly drawn on your fabric or simply imagined. To perform a running stitch, start at one end of this line and poke your needle in through the fabric and out the other side and pull tight. Now find a spot further down the line and poke the needle back through it from the underside. Pull the thread all the way through and you should have one complete stitch. Continue down the line, trying to keep the spacing even.

If your fabric is thin enough to manage an even stitch you may find it easier and quicker to pierce the needle through both points on the line at the same time. If your are confident you could even hit several points along the line at once.

Ending a stitch

When you reach the end of a seam or start running out of thread you can anchor off the loose end of a seam by doubling back on the last stitch you  made. Poke your needle back through the second to last point on the line you pierced. Bring the needle back out on the last point. This should create a loop with your thread. Bring the needle through that loop and tighten to form a knot. You may choose to do this twice to make sure it does not come untied at any time. Cut off the remaining thread and needle.

The Slip Stitch

The slip stitch is used to close up a seam from the outside without leaving big visible stitches across the fabric.

Start by aligning the fabric on either side of the seam and folding in the edges to the inside of the doll. After you've threaded the needle (directions on the 'running stitch' page) start your stitch from the underside of the fabric at one end of the seam. The best place you can put it will probably be along the fold from the inside. Pull your needle from the inside of the fabric to the outside on the folded edge.

Reach across the seam and poke the needle through the fabric on the opposite side. Make sure the point where the needle enters the fabric is aligned with where the thread comes out of the fabric on the starting side. Without pulling the needle all the way through, prick the needle back out of the fabric further down along the folded edge.

Pull the needle all the way through, drawing the thread behind it until the stitch pulls the two folded edges together. Repeat the previous step on the opposite side, pulling the needle across and poking in and out while staying aligned with the other side.

Continue this zig-zagging pattern until you make it across the seam or run out of thread. Anchor off the end the same way you did the running stitch.

Step 3: Starting Out

     Start by deciding how big you want your LSPlush to be. The one I made here wound up to be around 12 X 8 1/2 inches, but I also made a tiny one at 5 X 6 1/2 inches (that's how much I could make with the scraps). Create a template of your plush toy (basically just draw LSP). For smaller dolls you could just print out a picture and use that. For my template here I taped two sheets of paper together and drew freehand. Cut the template out.

     Lay your template down on your fabric (bad side facing up) and trace around it. Make sure to leave at least a half inch of fabric extra around any edge of the paper. Trace around it to copy the outline onto the fabric. Cut the shape out of the fabric. Do not cut along the line. Instead, leave a half inch of fabric outside of the line while you cut.

     You will need a second piece of fabric like this. Lay your fabric cutout down over the rest of your fabric (good sides in) and cut around it to make a matching piece. You shouldn't have to worry about having the drawn outline on the second panel.

Step 4: These Lumps

     Lay the two panels flat on top of one another, good sides in, with the traced LSP outline facing up. Fasten them together with your pins and stitch along the traced line using a running stitch (or sewing machine if you have one). Make sure to leave a three-inch  section open at the top of the outline. You will need an opening there later.

     When you've made it all the way around the outline (excluding the gap at the top) tie off your thread. Go down to the smaller lumps at the bottom of your LSP  and make some small cuts into the corners between each lump. This will make these areas more flexible and easier to shape for the next step.

     Pull the whole thing inside out through the gap you left in the stitching. Try your best to bring as much of the original shape out of the edges by pulling/pushing out each lump. When you are happy with the shape, then start stuffing the toy with fiberfill through the same gap at the top.

     When your princess is sufficiently lumpy, fold in the edges around the hole at the top and pin it closed. Then use a slip stitch to seal it up.

"Woooooooh! Ugh, gross, ugh! My lumpin' body's all hollow now! I gotta put something in it!"

Step 5: The Face

The Star

     Draw out the outline of the star on the wrong side of your yellow fabric and clip it out, cutting outside of the line. Make some cuts in the inside corners of the star from the edge of the fabric to the line. Stick some pins through the points of the outline and pin the star down on the pillow, right side up.
     Start your thread at the top point of your star, where the point is marked, not at the edge of the fabric. Tuck in the first edge of fabric, folding from the top point to the slit cut into the corner. Stitch the fold down with a slip stitch. Do this around the entire star.

The Eyes
     Next draw some circles on your black fabric, the size you want for your eyes. I used a coin as a stencil. Your marker will be difficult to see on black, but on the bright side that means you can put the outline on the outside without it looking bad when you're done. Draw the same circles onto the face of your pillow where you want them using a washable marker. Similar to the star, clip out the eyes outside the outline and pin them down. Run a slip stitch between each outlined circle, folding in the edges as you go.

The Mouth
     You know the drill. Draw out the outline of the mouth, pin it down and slip stitch. The shape of the mouth is a a wide oval with a half circle cut out of one end.

Step 6: Details

Outline The Mouth
     Take an embroidery needle and thread it with embroidery floss, two threads at once. Anchor your thread at one end of the outline. Start stitching out the outline with a back stitch or a split stitch. A back stitch works like a running stitch except whenever your needle comes out of the fabric you run it back in down next to where it last went in. A split stitch works by pushing the needle in and back out behind the point it went in, running between the trailing threads outside. For a more in-depth look at basic embroidery, check out this instructable by jessyratfink.

     Place down the outline for your eyebrows. I cut mine out of paper because I didn't want a marker to show up if I messed up. Fill in the eyebrows with a satin stitch. Push the needle in along the bottom edge of the eyebrow and out along the top, then back in at the bottom, as close to the last point it went in as possible. Basically continually loop the fabric around until everything is filled in.

"Oh, my Glob. Look at those luscious lips. I gotta go lick up the rest of that formula,"

Step 7:

"Oh, yeah! This body's HOT! I feel POWERFUL! "