Introduction: Lunar Leather Mobile

Lunar Mobile Summary: Make a simple DIY leather mobile that highlights the different phases of the moon. This can be used in a living room, child's nursery, or kids playroom. Simply thread circular and semi-circular leather pieces together and attach to a wooden dowel. Mobile can be placed near a light or fireplace so the mobile casts moon phase shadows on the wall.

Level: Beginner

Note: This project focuses more on leather craft rather than the basics of balance with a hanging mobile. Here is a blog that provides more information about the kinetics of a hanging mobile.

***Feel free to substitute the leather with paper to try out a smaller version of the model in advance and use a pen instead of a pencil when drawing the circle and half-circles out.


1. Leather (3-5 oz)

2. Leather Scissors

3. Rotary Hole Punch

4. Waxed Thread (4 pieces ~ 30 to 31 in)

5. Pencil

Step 1: Create Circles on Leather

Step 1: Use a pencil to mark circles on leather. A mason jar lid can be used to help create circles.

Step 2: Cut-out Leather Circles

Step 2: Create 19-20 circles on leather and cut out using leather scissors. Go slowly as thick leather can be difficult to cut in the shape of a circle.

Step 3: Create Holes With Rotary Tool

Step 3: Make holes in the leather circles using rotary hole punch, one hole on each side of the circle or semi-circle.

Step 4: Measure Wax-thread

Step 4: Measure out waxed thread to about 30 - 31 inches

Step 5: Attach Circles to a Thread Base

Step 5: Weave a single wax thread (30-31 in) between the holes of each leather circle or semi-circle.

Step 6: Attach Circles to a Wooden Dowel

Step 6: Attach the leather circles and semi-circular pieces to a wooden dowel, using leftover thread. Galvanized steel wire (9 or 12 guage) can also be used in place of the wooden dowel to enable the mobile to move with air currents.

Step 7: Place Your Mobile Model

Step 7: Last place your mobile in a suitable location in your home, in a spot near a window or near slanted light that enables circular moon shadows on the wall.

Step 8: Congratulations...great Job!

Congratulations on your new lunar leather mobile. IF you would like to know more about the moon phases click here.

Leather Challenge

Participated in the
Leather Challenge