Introduction: M16/M4A1 Camouflage Airsoft Gun

About: Hi. I'm Peter. I love airsoft. Most of my instructables are about airsoft. So if you need advice, or tips on airsoft, tell me.
This Instructable will tell you one of the many ways to camouflage an M16 assault rifle or M4. It is easy to do, if you have the right things. Sorry about no pictures of the actual process. I had already done it when I made this.

Step 1: What You Need

- 3 or 4 colors of paint
- masking tape
- leaves and long grass.
- An M16 rifle
- Newspaper
- A few small weights such as paperweights

Step 2: Setting Up to Paint

You are going to need an open area, like an empty space in the garage, or in your backyard. (If you paint in your garage, I recommend opening the door to let air flow.) Lay down newspaper (enough to fit your gun with 3 inches around the side). Then, lay your gun in the middle. If it is windy, use the weights to hold down the paper. Tape over the orange tip on your gun. If it is painted, the police can take it.

Step 3: First Color

Now take your first paint color. This color will overlap all the other colors, so make sure that is what you want. Now, paint LIGHTLY over the gun in small strokes. DO NOT HOLD DOWN THE BUTTON AND PAINT IN ONE SPRAY!!!! This will cause the paint to run and ruin the look of your gun. Paint both sides of your gun with the first color. (I chose black.) Let it dry.

Step 4: Laying Tape

Put tape on any of the parts you want to be the first color (black). This way, it won't be painted by the other colors. (The picture is of a pistol I painted, but it should look like that, or have less stripes. Depending on how many you want.)

Step 5: Second Color

Take your second paint color (I chose green) and paint the whole gun just as before. Once it is dry, tape leaves to the gun in the places you want to be the second color (green). If you are only using three colors, add the grass too and skip step 6.

Step 6: Third Color

Take the third color (I chose a dark brown) and do the same as the other two colors. Once dry, place the grass blades over the gun so that they start at the bottom, and end either at the top, or somewhere in the middle of the gun.

Step 7: The Final Color

Paint the entire gun over with your last color (I used a tannish color). Let it dry... and you are almost done.

Step 8: Reveal Your Masterpiece

Remove the tape, leaves, and grass. Now, look at your newly camouflaged M16 rifle, and be happy. You've done well. Thank you for reading. Check out my other Instructable on how to paint a gun tiger stripe.