Introduction: MAKEY BOMB
MAKEY BOMB is a basic electronics project that uses Makey Makey and Scratch to create a game that simulates the disarming of a bomb. This is a rich activity to teach block programming, simple prototyping, basic electronics and interface development.
The project was based on the virtual game keep talking and nobody explodes, and seeks to generate a physical and MAKER alternative for it.
Remember that we scold any violent attitude, vision or behavior, this is just a game and the idea is to have fun.
Makey Makey
12 - Jumper wires
3d printer
Acrylic paint
Cutting pliers
Multi-purpose pliers
Insulating tape
Step 1: Preparing the Bomb Parts - 3D Printing
Makey Bomb had its entire structure produced in 3D, in total, there were three parts being an interface for wires, a set of dynamites and a connection base for the Bomb
The dynamite were based on @Johnygab project in Thingiverse, I made an edit to cut the wick of the bombs as he intended to produce it manually using string.
The bomb interface was modeled on Tinkercad, the project is open and embedded in this STEP so that you can view the part and create it yourself if you are interested. Basically I took the MakeyMakey’s measurements, as I demonstrate in the first image of this STEP, and then I modeled a box where I could fit the plate with ease.
The bomb connection base was generated as a 3D printing SUPPORT, I reused the part to connect the other parts.
If you want to learn more about Tinkercad, attached is the link to the lessons section of the platform. It's a great way to better understand the program and get started.
If you are new to the world of 3D printing, there is also a great introductory tutorial for this subject here at Instructable, the link is this: ..
Step 2: Prepare 3D Parts for Painting
This is a simple process, you will need a PRIMER (Ink fixer), it is worth remembering that this product is sold with different compositions to assist in fixing different materials, the version I used in this production is sold in spray and compatible with plastic.
Apply the spray all over the plastic surface, I suggest that the painting be repeated at least twice, and let it dry well before applying the paint again.
Step 3: 3D Parts Painting
I divided my painting process in two stages, initially I painted the pieces with flat colors using an airbrush, after that I finished painting with a brush for details and material effects.
The paint used was acrylic, almost always diluted with water!
Step 4: Connecting the Wires
This is the most laborious part of the manual process and also where it will be defined which cables will be interactive. To increase the complexity during the bomb trip, I added as many cables as possible, but only a few of them are actually connected to the MakeyMakey, thinking about programming via Scratch I gave priority to connections that trigger keys on the board.
As I used JUMPERS, it was necessary to remove the plastic protections and in some cases cut the wires to fixate them on the MakeyMakey.
An important suggestion is to avoid the repetition of the colors of the threads, especially the active ones.
Another important point is to control the excess of cables, as shown in the third image, I glued all "FAKE" cables (not connected) with a piece of tape.
Step 5: Finishing the Assembling
Finally, it is necessary to connect all the printed parts. Use strong attachment strips to ensure that your MakeyMakey is suspended from the Bomb.
To fix the wick on the Bomb I used super glue and vegetable butter to shape the strings.
After finishing you can already connect your MakeyMakey on the device to play!
Step 6: Developing Game Interfaces
Our game is developed in Scratch, to automate the progress of the Bomb, or the failure. I developed different scenarios using the original Bomb shape.
The pieces were developed in vector in the Illustrator program and exported in PNG 24.
After that, I turned all the clipboards into scenarios and aligned the graphic elements from scratch with the background composition.
Step 7: Developing the Code
To develop our game we use Scratch, the programming can be accessed at the link at the end of the STEP, but basically it consists of using time variables, which subtract a value every second. It is a variable for the bomb, which defines whether the player cut the wires in the correct order or if he is closer to defeat.
The number sprites have been programmed to change as the seconds change and the scenarios change as the player hits the wire cutting.
Step 8: GAME TIME!!!
Now have fun, remembering that the sequence of cutting the wires will be based on your programming.
I remain open for feedbacks and possible improvements in the project, thank you very much for your attention and for appreciating the project.