Introduction: MARBLING PAPER With Baby Oil
Fun and safe project to do with the kids. Make lovely Marbleized paper using materials you probably have at home.
And the finished product smells so good!
Step 1: Supplies
The supplies are,
a baking pan
baby oil
paint, I used liquid watercolors, however, any paint you have will more than likely work. Even food coloring can be used.
Step 2: Marbling the Paper
Pour water into the baking pan. Squirt a bit of the baby oil on the surface of the water. Add small drops of paint on top of the oil drops. chose two colors that work nicely together.
Step 3: Stir
Using a straw, or even the end of a paintbrush, gently swirl the paint across the surface of the water.
Step 4: Printing
Place the paper on top of the water, don't submerge it. Lift the paper and you have your marveled paper. Be sure the paper you print on fits nicely in the pan and isn't too big. Have Fun