Introduction: MATRIX MAX7219 SNAKE GAME ON ARDUINO 31-8-2019

About: Hi, My Name Is Hamza Mahmoud, I am a 16 year old Egyptian teenager who continues studying at school, I Started My Electronics Studying Since I Was 10 Years Old I Started with a little microcontroller called Ar…


This Tutorial will help you make a game called the snake game the snake game is usually on old phones the snake game is a game of a snake that go and eat the dot (food) then the snake will get longer the way to lose is by touching the snake tail. So i thought i could make a game of it using Arduino UNO.


1-Arduino UNO

2-Mini Breadboard

3- 8x8 dot matrix MAX1219


5- Jumper Wires Male/Male and Male/Female

6-USB Cable

Step 1: -WIRING


VCC To 5V on arduino

GND To GND on arduino

OIN To I/O 12 on arduino

CS To I/O 11 on arduino

CLK To I/O 10 on arduino


GND To GND on arduino

+5V To 5V on arduino

VRX To A2 on arduino

VRY To A3 on arduino


SW Will Not Use

Step 2: Code

Step 3: VIDEO