Introduction: MP5K K'nex (TNKIT)

About: short, blonde Some of my favourite quotes: DJ Radio: and I wonder why the hell we have different languages, and not just one main language everyone speaks. From a HIGHER TIER GCSE Chemistry paper: Bromine…
Well, I took pictures for an 'ible, so expect that next weekend, but they were taking forever to upload so I posted this instead.  Collapsible rear sight, pin guide, new trigger, removable 10 round mags (credit to TD for most of the mag and the locking system), solid design, very ergonomic, and a sturdy removable stock.  I prefer it with the stock, but it is much lighter and works just as well without.  Oh, and credit to Mepain for the handle.  Range of about 40 feet with 3#64s, firing grey connectors.  If people want me to, I'll work on a mech to make the stock fold into the side, like a G36.  Weighs about 400g without stock, 500 with.  Enjoy.