Introduction: MPU6050 With Arduino Uno

About: pursuing Bachelors in Electronics and Communication at Chandigarh University

In this project, i am going to interface MPU6050 sensor with arduino UNO.

MPU6050 is also known as 6 axis sensor or 6 degree of freedom(DOF) sensor. Both accelerometer and gyrometer sensors are present in this single module. Accelerometer sensor give output readings in terms of force applied on object due to gravity and gyrometer sensor give output in terms of angular displacement of the object in clockwise or anticlockwise direction.

MPU6050 sensor use SCL and SDA line of Arduino, therefore, we will be using wire.h library in the code for I2C communication.We can attach two MPU6050 sensors with same SCL and SDA lines at address 0x68 and 0x69 with arduino UNO.

Step 1: Components Required

1. Arduino UNO -

2. MPU6050 -

3. jumper wires -

4. Breadboard -

Step 2: Circuit Schematic

Step 3: Code

Step 4: Readings on Serial Monitor