Introduction: MS021 Instructions

About: Interests!

This is my Ms021 instructable. Build it if you want. Ammo blue rod. Range - Depends on rubber bands. *I'm not responsible for any thing you do with this gun, if you are being stupid and decide to shoot at someone's eye, that's your fault, not mine.*

Step 1: Handle.

The Handle!

Built 4 of the first picture.

After the 3 pic add the remaining 2 Pieces you built at pic 1

Step 2: Butt and the Stock/ Slide and Trigger!


1-5 Butt

6 Slide

7-10 Support/ Stock

11 Trigger
Rest is putting together the knex

Step 3: Forgrip.


Step 4: Barrel

Build 1-3 barrel

Last is connecting the For grip to it.

Step 5: The Top of the Gun.

Build Last pictures after 12 is connecting it to barrel and forgrip.

Step 6: Chamber


Pic 1 Use it if your haveing trouble building.

2-6 Chamber

Rest is the mag entrance and some other crap.

Step 7: Connecting


Step 8: Mag


Step 9: Rubber Bands, and Putting the Mag In.
