Introduction: MY FIRST ONE

About: English is not my first language. I use Google Translator and patience of friends to write Instructables. Feel free to point out style, syntax or grammatical errors. Actually I work in TECHSHOP Menlo Park CA …
When I was 16 (almost 40 years ago) the children would have fun riding ball bearing carts down the hill. (Brazil was a very poor country and ball bearing karts was the most exiting thing we could with speed and have some control over it) In that time I had a pair of friends who were Italian decedents (Palumbo and Moscaritolo) invincible on the race track. For almost ten weeks we tried to built a better cart than these guys but it was fail after fail, each new theory and each completely new cart was blown away at the finish line. We never accepted the defeat but we also never won.
This Instructables made with a typewriter, glue and hand drawings was the compilation of our ideas at that time in the effort to try to defeat the "carcamanos" with Ferrari blonde.....ahahha...