Introduction: Macy's Hangers Chandelier

About: My favorite quotation is: “All you need in order to accomplish something great is a good idea and not quite enough money.” – Anon I live by that theme, and the ideas just keep coming.

Ever since Instructables got me started dumpster diving for usable treasure (see Outdoor Chandelier Made from Trash), it's changed the way I see all trash. Now every garbage bin is a potential art supply depot.
The chandelier pictured below is made from clothes hangers found in Macy's dumpsters (actually, I asked a stock person if he could save me some of the hundreds of hangers thrown away monthly). They are connected to a discarded bicycle rim.
All I did to make this chandelier was drill two holes in each hanger--one toward the top and another toward the bottom, then attach each hanger to the bicycle rim with wire, and tie the other end of all the hangers together at the top. So simple!
You can see a video of the making of this hanger chandelier by clicking on the link.
The fun thing about using hangers is that you can do all kinds of variations of hanger positions to achieve different and spectacular results. And your cost is almost zero.
So, my advice for home decor this holiday season? Get thee to a dumpster!