Introduction: Hidden Usb Device
Many of us face the problem of privacy of data. Their is a cheap, amazing and interesting way of hiding a storage device and controlling it with using magnetism. No one will ever able to think how to activate this device.. So read this n please comment.
Step 1: Components
1 A plastic box
2 A male to female usb cable(also know as usb extender)
3 Any storage device (pen drive in my case)
4 A reed switch (heart of this circuit)
5 A magnet (powerful enough to activate the switch)
6 soldering iron
7 solder
8 iron nails(optional)
9 Tape
2 A male to female usb cable(also know as usb extender)
3 Any storage device (pen drive in my case)
4 A reed switch (heart of this circuit)
5 A magnet (powerful enough to activate the switch)
6 soldering iron
7 solder
8 iron nails(optional)
9 Tape
Step 2: The Circuit
The circuit works when the reed switch connects the two ends and storage device activates(pen drive in my case)
Step 3: Cut the Usb Cable
Cut the cable n strip the both ends
Step 4: Solder the Cables
Solder all the cable except the red one. Solder the red cable with having reed switch in the centre. It will work as our sensor for turning the device on and off
Step 5: Put the Things in the Box
Pu the thungs tightly in the box. Cut the cable so that it fits perfectly and paste the reed switch on one side of the box
Step 6: Testing Time
When we remove the magnet the device stops working and when we put it back it starts.
Video link:– Watch "Hidden usb storage" on YouTube - Hidden usb storage:
Video link:– Watch "Hidden usb storage" on YouTube - Hidden usb storage:
Step 7: Conclusion
Sorry for images because m uploading this after 4 months from making this. Please comment share n like my video n post n please vote for me