Introduction: Character Hat

Who said hats with characters were just for little kids?

Step 1: What You Need

Sewing materials (sewing machine, needle, thread, bobbin, scissors, etc.)

-1 yard of fleece (color of your choice)
- jersey knit for the lining (you can use an old t-shirt :D)
- stuffing (for ears--if you want them)
-various other colors of fleece and other embellishments for decorations...
          for example:
pikachu beanie:
          -1 yard yellow fleece
          - scraps of black fleece
          - scraps of red fleece
          - scraps of white fleece

totoro beanie:
           -1 yard gray fleece
           - 1/4 yard white fleece
           - scraps of black fleece
            - black yarn/embroidery thread (for whiskers)
yup. :)

Step 2: Cut Out

Cut out four rounded triangles, 6 inches tall and wide (pictures 1 &2)
bottom band: 6 inches wide, 24-26 inches long (depending on the size of your head)

White Jersey-
Cut out four rounded triangles, 6 inches tall and wide (pictures 1 &2)

Step 3: Top

Sew two of the fleece triangles along one curved edge (see picture #1-- sew along the line)
Open the two triangles up and place another triangle aligned with the triangle on the right (see picture #2)
Sew along the line in Picture 2.
Do the same with the last triangle (picture 3).
Sew the first and last triangles together the same way. (see picture 4)

Repeat with the white jersey.
(picture 5)

Connect the two layers by keeping them inside out and placing them on top of each other. Sew along the outside half-circle on the edges to connect them. This way when you take the hat off, the lining won't flip inside out. Now, take the lining and flip it over the fleece so the right side of the lining is facing you and the right side of the fleece is inside.

Sew the lining onto the fleece around the rim.

Step 4: Add the Bottom Band

Same way to add the bottom band in my puppet mittens here:

No pictures for the following, sorry!
First, leave the hat with the lining facing out. Fold the bottom band in half from right to left, then sew.
Slide the bottom band (wrong side out) over the hat (lining side out). Sew around the rim.

Pictures for this, though:
Fold the bottom band up halfway. Tuck the top edges in a bit (a bit less than a centimeter) and pin. (Picture #1)
Sew. (Pictures 2&3)

Step 5: DONE!

Try it on! Decorate it! Make it awesome!! :D

other pokemon that has... a round-ish head!
polar bear!
etc.... :P be creative!