Introduction: Make an Oasis in Your Front Yard!

About: Retired, doing art work now. Great. Have the time and the money to spend doing what I want to do.
Just over a year ago, I decided to remake my front yard. Due to drought, the grass was dying and in fact, most of it had died. So I thought it would be better to conserve water and stop trying to have that "perfect lawn" that used to be the standard.  I cleared a spot in the center of the yard, and you can see the progression of the "Oasis" over the years time.  It's still a work in progress, but as you can see, many plants have matured and others have died and been replaced.  I outlined the entire plot with concrete curbing I made in individual molds over time. Into the molds, I encased various words using styrofoam cut on the hotwire machine.  One raised bed, a post with a planter on it, a pathway, some concrete tree rings, a bird bath  and a variety of plants make an attractive, interesting "garden spot" in the front yard.