Introduction: Make Cannon in 5 Minutes
Always wanted to make a weapon by yourself, You have landed on the correct place just follow the instruction and
you will make it(a cannon) in just 5 minutes
Step 1: Materials Required
- drill machine
- hack saw
- wire cutter
- pencil
- drill bits (8 mm and 1.5 mm)
- piece of wood
- match box
- yarn
Step 2: Making Cannon Body
First make a line joining 10 cm of one side to another side and vice versa and you have a pattern.Cut it.
Step 3: Making Holes
Drill a hole of about 8 mm in the center of the body and measure its depth take this length and make hole of 1.5
mm along that length as shown above
Step 4: Collecting the Powder
Take the match sticks.Remove the coating from the stick and grind it thoroughly collect a lots of it.
Step 5: Making Fuse
Make the fuse by making the paste of the powder and coat the paste on the yarn. Let it dry
Step 6: Shooting
Your cannon is ready. Put the fuse in the 1.5 mm hole. and fill the powder in the 8mm hole .Put a projectile in the
opening of the cannon light up the fuse and thushh...