Introduction: Make Display Using a Beer Bottle at Maker's Asylum

Hi , this Idea of My Brain

So this comes from Make's asylum

we have too much beer bottle

So I had an idea to make a display using a beer bottle.


  • To Reuse beer bottle in a creative way
  • And have fun


  • Arduino
  • Wire
  • WS2811 LED
  • 5v power supply (it lest 4 amp)
  • Cardboard

Step 1:

Take all beer bottles and clean them

And dry it

Step 2:

Download this DXF file and laser cut this file

Then Assemble these parts

Step 3:

Take all the bottles and put in the slot

Then tape it

Step 4:

Take WS2811 LED strip and insert LED in each bottle

Step 5:

Take Arduino and three wires then connect three wire to LED then red wire to +5v pin and white wire to GND pin and green wire to D6 pin

Step 6:



Download This code
Then open this code in Arduino IDE and go to tool and select Arduino Uno Then Upload the code.