Introduction: Make Stenciled Paper Products

About: I am the mother of 2 boys. I love to make things for them and the rest of my family and friends.
You can make easy note cards, book marks, post cards, journal covers.  It is super easy and takes about 10 minutes, plus drying time.

Step 1: Supplies


Spray Paint 
Lace Card Stock
Paper Products
Spray Paint Trigger

I got this trigger at Walmart.  It keeps your hand from cramping up when you do a lot of painting.  It slips right onto the top of the nozzle.  It works great with the cheaper kinds of spray paint, that usually cost about a dollar a can.  I also used Valspar and Krylon paints.  They cost more (about $3 a can), but the nozzle is so different, and MUCH easier to squeeze.  And of course they come in SO many different colors.
You can get lace cardstock at scrapbbook websites or craft stores.  I have been lucky enough to find it at discount stores like Tuesday Morning, in a pack of about 8 sheets for the price I would pay for 2 sheets online.

Step 2: Position Paper

Working outside for ventilation, lay out your supplies.  I like to put down paper on the ground, that way the grass doesn't get painted.  On top of the paper place the book marks or cards.  On top of the lay the card stock.  You can put thumb tacks to hold the "sandwich" down.

Step 3: Spray Paint

Lightly spray over the paper products.  You can do 2 layers if you want it to be more saturated, but it works better if you let it dry between coats.  

Step 4: For 2 Colors

You can paint a base coat first, to make your final piece 2 colors.  Spray the first layer, with out the stencil on top, and let it dry.  It is best to start with the lighter color.  After it is dry, lay the stencil on top, then paint the second color.  

Step 5: Done