Introduction: Make Strontium Nitrate

About: NurdRage is a dedicate group of science nerds trying to further amateur science with direct how-to instructions in video format. We saw what was already online and we thought "we could do better"... …
We make strontium nitrate from strontium carbonate and nitric acid.

Strontium Nitrate is used as an oxidizer in some types of pyrotechnic compositions to give a brilliant red color. A well-known example is flares.

Actually making it is very simple. Just mix 45 grams of strontium carbonate, 100mL of water and 40mL of concentrated (15.6M) nitric acid and then boil down until it's dry.

Luckily, strontium nitrate is extremely stable to moderate heating unlike other nitrates so you can boil it without fear of accidentally destroying it or causing an explosion (like in ammonium nitrate).