Introduction: Make Ultra Tiny 3D Prints
Sometimes 3d prints are needed that are smaller than normal. Some would like to print a car for their model railroad. Others want to print gear parts for their model cars or some spare parts are so small that a normal printer has difficulties. A normal 3d printer cannot do that. I will show you how you can convert your 3d printer to print 3d prints in an incredibly small size.
You will need:
3D Printer with MK5 extruder recommended
Nozzle with 0.2mm for your Extruder
3D Software with adjustable Parameters like Cura, Slic3r, etc.
a bit time to test
Step 1: Replace the Nozzle
Step 1:
Lift your Z axis to get a better accessibility.
Step 2:
Heat your extruder to make plastic sticking in your extruder soft
(I recommend it. It works at some printers without heat up)
Step 3:
Remove nozzle with a fitting spanner. It is recommended to hold your heating block with some pliers.
Step 4:
Screw the new nozzle in. Thinghten it with a spanner.
Warning: the work will be done on a heated extruder. Risk of burns
Step 2: Configuration
At first, download a model import and scale it to the size you want.
Now you have to configure your printer software.
In my case i used Cura.
At first you have to adjust the nozzle size to 0.2 mm.
After that reduce the printing speed (my printer works fine with max 30 mm/s).
Now reduce the shell thickness to 0.4 mm like a normal print at 2x nozzle size.
At the end, reduce the layer height. Some parameters work from 0.05 mm to 0.2 mm but you should never go over 0.2 mm.
Now simulate the toolpaths to see any configuration errors.
Step 3: Have Fun
For many hobby model builders, a 3D printer that can print small things is indispensable.
For example, I built a complete chassis for a 1:26 model from Revell with suspension, power steering and rear-wheel drive, but with the engine sitting in the front. Unthinkable with a normal 3D printer.
Stay creative and have fun.