Introduction: Make 3D Printable Voronoi Patterns With Autodesk® Meshmixer

About: Make everything!

Voronoi patterns make interesting, organic looking models. Add a Voronoi pattern to any .STL or 3D model that will import into Autodesk Meshmixer by reducing polygons and applying the [Dual Edges] pattern. Read more about Voronoi diagrams on Wikipedia. Download Meshmixer for free here.

*View All Steps for Screen Shot Instructions*

See more print examples in our previous Instructable: "Little Dipper" SLA/DLP 3D printer.

Voronoi patterns consist of lines connecting points that are the centers of circles which intersect with the model's triangle mesh to create a tube like structure replacing the original polygons. Read more here: (wiki) Delaunay triangulation. Apologies in advance if I've misstated the concept. Math wizards, feel free to comment :)

These patterns can provide consistent horizontal cross sections for slices that might be helpful when using SLA / resin 3D printers. Voronoi models can print well on most Fused Filament 3D printers.

Step 1: Import Model and Reduce Polygons

1) Import model into Meshmixer [Import icon] or [file] > [Import]
2) Select entire model using keyboard Ctrl+a or use the [select] tool to click-drag certain parts you want to edit.
3) Click [Edit] > [Reduce] (Menu appears at top after selecting).
4) Increase the percentage slider or change drop down to lower triangle / polygon count. Less polygons result in larger openings in your final model. It may help to try a very low polygon count.
5) click [accept].

Step 2: Apply and modify the Pattern

1) Click [Edit] menu icon > [Make Pattern]
2) Change the first drop down to [Dual Edges] (pattern using exterior only) or [Mesh + Delaunay] Dual Edges (generates pattern inside model). Changing [element dimensions] will make thicker or narrower tubes.
3) To save model: File > export .STL

*Adjusting certain pattern settings may require intensive CPU usage.

*After clicking accept, you may want to reduce the new mesh polygons slightly for easier 3D printing or importing into other programs.

This Instructable is currently entered in 3D printing contest by 3dhubs.
If you like it, vote for this instructable in the upper right corner.

Comment and enjoy!
-Marshall P.

Model credit:
Non-Voronoi Bear on Thingiverse, modified for this Instructable.
Voronoi Body on Thingiverse
Non-Voronoi Bunny pre-loaded with Meshmixer, modified for this Instructable.

Step 1: Import Model and Reduce Polygons

1) Import model into Meshmixer [Import icon] or [file] > [Import]

2) Select entire model using keyboard Ctrl+a or use the [select] icon to click and drag certain parts.

3) While the model is selected, another edit menu will appear at the top left.

4) Increase the percentage slider or change drop down to lower triangle count.

5) Accept changes.

*Some models may need to have reduced polygons before applying the Dual Edges pattern (step 3). Less polygons result in larger openings in your final model. It may help to try a very low polygon count first.

Step 2: Apply and Modify Pattern

1) Click [Edit] menu icon > [Make Pattern]

2) Change the first drop down to [Dual Edges] (pattern using exterior only) or [Mesh + Delaunay Dual Edges] (generates pattern outside and inside model). [Element Dimensions] will make thicker or narrower tubes.

3) To save model: File > export .STL

*Adjusting certain pattern settings may require intensive CPU usage.

*After clicking accept, you may want to reduce the new mesh polygons for easier 3D printing or importing into other programs.