Introduction: Make Windows 7 Look Like Vista or 2000
Windows 7 is a great new operating system, but some people may not be comfortable with the new interface or the taskbar. I will show you how to quickly and simply configure your computer to look like Windows Vista or Windows 2000.
Step 1: Unpin Everything
Unpin all the programs and files from the taskbar. Do this by right-clicking the taskbar icon and selecting unpin.
Step 2: To Make It Look Like Vista
Right-click the taskbar and go into its properties. Check the Use small icons box. Set taskbar buttons to Never combine. Apply these settings and you should get a taskbar pretty much like Vista's.
Step 3: To Make It Look Like 2000
Keep the settings of the previous step. Now, go into Control Panel and select Change the theme under the Appearance and Personalization menu. Select the Windows Classic theme. Now it should seem like Windows 2000.