Introduction: Make Your Own Net Bag!

My first instructable!

I have made nets for various projects around the house, Including a storage place for stuffed animals, bottle covers and the like, even a shirt once.

For this instructable I will be making a net bag. 

Living with other people and not wanting them to use up all my shampoo and soap, I made this nifty net bag to haul all my toiletries to and from the shower!

This bag is large enough to hold three bottles of shampoo, bottle of face wash, soap, and a razor with room for more due to its ability to stretch.

Enough jibba jabba, let's get started!

Step 1: ...What You Will Need...

First you will need the supplies of course...

1 piece of scrap wood  (for a 'loom' if you will)
Cordage of your choosing.  (I used Jute 3 ply 28lb)
Screws, Nails or Some form of fastener.
1 Shuttle (Optional)

Just a suggestion before starting, get some gloves or some kind of finger tip protection.
After 3 hours of knotting a net your finger tips may become rather sore, moreso with the natural fibers such as jute or hemp. Nylon paracord or some nylon string is easier on t he hands.

Step 2: ...Setting Up Your 'Loom'...

Setting this up is rather simple.

Start by putting four screws into the corners of your board and leave about 1/4 inch protruding.
Also, put a screw mid-point on both the top and bottom for more support later.

Once you have all the screws in, take some cordage and place it around the screws making a large square and then secure it tighlty by tying the ends together.

On to step 3...

Step 3: ...The 'Knot'...

Here is the knot, the only knot you will need for this project.

It is called a larks head knot, if the picture is not clear enough for you to see how to do it. Here is a video.

Make friends with it you will be doing alot of these!

To start just get yourself a good length of cordage, about 6-9 feet.
Tie one end to whatever corner you want to start from and then decide how big you want your net holes.

On mine, the knots are roughly 1 inch apart, but you can make them as small or as large as you please!

On the second image I wanted to show the end of a row, is just like all the other loops, but is attached to the side with the larks head knot and then started on the second row.

Step 4: ...Keep on Tying...

Here's a photo of about half way through I stopped for some refreshments, and to give my finger tips a break.

If this hasn't gotten tedious yet it will :D. The end results are worth it though I feel.

Keep on tying!

Step 5: ...Finishing the Net...

Here as before you will use the larks head knot but this time you will do one on both sides from the net to the cord on the 'loom'.

Once you get it all secured just give it a good granny knot on the end so it doesn't come untied.

Remove your new net from the screws and there you go!

In the second image I took the lighter and burnt all the excess fuzz that accumulated from tying all the knots, and removed any excess string from ends for a nice neat appearance.

Step 6: ...Making the Bag

Now for making the bag,  Fold your net in half onto itself (like closing a book) and match up all your sides and ends.

Once you have them together get yourself about 3 foot of cord for both sides, and tie it to one of the corners, and again here we go with the larks head or any other knot if your sick that one! :D

Make the larks head knot around the strings on the sides wrapping them together all the way down both sides.

Once you have your sides finished you can weave a draw string through the open top, and top it off with a wood bead (as shown) or anything else that strikes your fancy!

If you make one of these post me some pics I would love to see your creations!

               !~ Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed this, my first Instructable~!