Introduction: Make Your Own Secret Messages From Space!

About: Every now and then I come up with a unique idea. And then I find someone else has already thought of it . . . which is AWESOME! Who knew there were so many kindred spirits on the web! YOU GO all o' us!
During my [ playful expermints] with Fourier Transforms, I discovered that you can overlay an image on top of a Fourier transformed image, and freely convert back and forth from Fourier to regular space. Each transform would descramble the previously FFT'd image. So in short, you can hide the FFT of one image in another image.

If you appreciate this instructable, please visit my blog for more of my crazy ideas: []

Here's the plainly plain message that I want to hide:

Step 1: FFT Your Image!

GIMP has an FFT plugin filter (so I'm told), but I used a plugin for Shake.

I've put it in the bottom half of the picture so it will still be intelligible after being transformed. Here's the FFT of my secret message:

Step 2: Hide Your FFT in Another Image

My first test overlaid the FFT over a color wheel, and it's a bit obvious something wierd is in the center:

Step 3: Offset or Scroll the FFT

If we scroll the FFT over to the corners and scale down the brightness, it's much harder to spot when overlaid with the zucchini-in-a-bottle image:

Step 4: FFT the Image to Decode

FFT the image again to see the secret message again. Some information is lost when the image is saved in the .tif format, but after we scale the brightness back up, we get this:

Step 5: My Whole Process in an Image

Here's my whole shake tree for both the test image and the final masterfully masterfool zucchini-hiding-a-secret image. Have fun with this!