Introduction: Make Your Own Smart Bulb
This instructable contains the details you need to build your own Google Assistant compatible smart bulb both on software and hardware fronts.
Step 1: Parts Needed
Here is all that you need to build the bulb by yourselves.
Electronics parts:
1. 1- Bulb socket (model varies from country to county, pick the one used in your place).
2. 1- 230-5V 3A 15W AC-DC converter module (you can use a lower wattage converter depending on the number of Neopixels).
3. 1- Nodemcu (wemos mini versions are preferable due to their size).
4. 1- Neopixel ring.
5. Bunch of connector wires.
6. 1- 10000 microfarad 25v electrolytic capacitor.
7. 1- 1 nanofarad ceramic capacitor.
Tools required:
1. 1- Soldering iron with flux and solder.
2. 1- Hot glue gun.
Step 2: Making the Connections
1. Solder the live and neutral terminals of the AC-DC converter to the female receptacles of the bulb socket.
2. Solder the electrolytic and ceramic capacitors to the 5V terminals of the AC-DC converter. Mind the polarity of the electrolytic capacitor. Dashed lines on the capacitor denote the -ve leg.
3. Solder the 5V and Ground of the AC-DC converter to the 5V and Ground terminal of the Nodemcu and also to the Vcc/Supply and Ground of the Neopixel ring.
4. Solder the Data input pin on the Neopixel ring to pin D6 on the Nodemcu.
Step 3: Software for the Bulb
To interface the bulb with Google Assistant, first we need to create a Smart home environment using Google Actions.
I have already made my own repo detailing all the steps.
The repo also contains the code for the Nodemcu. Choose the NodeMCU-Wemos-RGB-LEDs Arduino file.
I have made my best effort to replicate the characteristics of an off-the-shelf commercial bulb. It can remember the last set values, includes temperature based color setting, etc.
Step 4: Putting It All Together
Using hot glue gun put everything together. Try and make the footprint as small as you can. You can start to see a rough shape of a bulb now.
Step 5: Final Touch and Demo
Finally, have my own smart bulb.