Introduction: Make Your Own Song Player Using Arduino Uno

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In this tutorial will see how to build our own easy and simple music player using Arduino boards.

There are various formats of music like MP3, WAV, AAC, OPUS, AIFF, AU, WMA, etc. Here, I will show how to play a WAV file using Arduino.

Step 1: Things You Need


Note: Alternatively you can use 2n2222 instead of 2n3904


Skill Required :

Basic Circuit Wiring and/or Soldering

Step 2: Preparing SD Card

Format your SD card with either FAT16 or FAT32 because some controller does not support NTFS formating.
Before copying any song you need to convert file it into .wav file

So, visit the link:
to convert some .mp3 file to .wav file with below setting

  • bit resolution: 8 Bit
  • sampling rate: 32000 Hz
  • audio channel: stereo

Once done, now you can copy your song to the SD card and insert it into the microSD card module. I have provided a sample song that is used for the project which you can download from below.

Step 3: Circuit Connection and Wiring

Make a connection as shown in the above circuit diagram. You can try the circuit on a breadboard or if know soldering then makes the permanent connection by soldering shown in the below packaging section.

Step 4: Arduino Installation and Setup

Skip this step if you already have Arduino Installed in your PC/laptop.

Follow the Arduino official link below to install Arduino IDE on your respective OS:

Windows ->

Linux ->

Mac ->

Linux user can follow my video tutorial:

Step 5: Coding

Click Here to Download SimpleSDAudio

After the download, to install go to Arduino IDE —> Sketch —> Include Library —> Add .ZIP Library … and browse for the .zip file (previously downloaded). There are various ways to install library to arduino if interested checkout on link

Download Code file provided below and upload to Arduino Uno by selecting proper Board(Tools->Board->Arduino Uno/Genuino) and COM port

Step 6: Packaging

Package your project into suitable box. Here I have just used some waste CD as platform support to everything.

Step 7: Working Demo
