Introduction: Make a Dry Ice Safety Cube
Drinks with dry ice in them are stunning. The CO2 gas expelled is what you already exhale so no problem there. The problem is if the ice touches your lips, or worse goes down your throat it will destroy your tissue and cause serious damage. All that is needed is an thermaly insulated CO2 release capsule that is virtually impossible to swallow, It must be non-toxic as well. The good news is that 1oz of dry ice (a drinks worth) is only a dime at your local super market ($1.60 a pound) a and the casule will cost you a nickle to build (because you won't get the redemption value of the water bottle).
Step 1: Get Materials
Go to the market and buy a pound of dry ice.
If you don't have some heavily insulated gloves get some. Dont use thin gloves that will quickly get cold. I use arc welding gloves from Harbor Freight.
Also get some eye protection, so chipped ice won't freeze to your eyeball.
While your at the market, pick up a little 16oz plastic bottle of drinking water with a twist cap.
Make sure you have a pair of scissors and a stapler at home as well. If not, get it at the market and ask yourself why you don't have these items already as you sip your water down.
If you don't have some heavily insulated gloves get some. Dont use thin gloves that will quickly get cold. I use arc welding gloves from Harbor Freight.
Also get some eye protection, so chipped ice won't freeze to your eyeball.
While your at the market, pick up a little 16oz plastic bottle of drinking water with a twist cap.
Make sure you have a pair of scissors and a stapler at home as well. If not, get it at the market and ask yourself why you don't have these items already as you sip your water down.
Step 2: Modify the Bottle Into a Dry Ice Protector
The label line of the water bottle is typically about 2 inches from the twist cap.
After you enjoy your bottle water, cut the cap off around the label line. Then fold in both sides of the plastic towards the center of the twist off cap. To maintain this folded position, place a staple in each "ear". Insure that the staples you use are clean and "food safe" (no rust).
The capsule you have created is not air tight - that a good thing, that is how the CO2 gas will escape.
After you enjoy your bottle water, cut the cap off around the label line. Then fold in both sides of the plastic towards the center of the twist off cap. To maintain this folded position, place a staple in each "ear". Insure that the staples you use are clean and "food safe" (no rust).
The capsule you have created is not air tight - that a good thing, that is how the CO2 gas will escape.
Step 3: Install Dry Ice Into the Capsule
Remove the cap of your safety cube. With your safety glasses and welding gloves on, break off a chunk of dry ice just large enough to fit in the cap hole of your safety module.
Screw on the bottle cap to captivate. At this point, your dry ice cube is safe to handle without gloves or glasses.
Screw on the bottle cap to captivate. At this point, your dry ice cube is safe to handle without gloves or glasses.
Step 4: Drop the Cube in Your Drink, and Let the Fun Begin.
Drop your safety cube into your drink of choice. You will get several minutes of bubbling action.