Introduction: Make a Magnet Bracelet
This will teach you how to make a Magnet Bracelet,I gave this to my Dad for Father's Day, he liked it.
Step 1: Materials
You don't have to buy magnets that fit your wrist just half of it, I bought mine from K&J Magnetics. First measure your wrist with paper and mark it and measure it. (8 Magnets equall one inch, remember its better to buy more magnets to make it fit your wrist than buying exactly and not fitting. Then buy Item D24DIA(1/8" Dia. x 1/4" Thick), be careful there are many magnets that look that this kind and make sure it is Diametrically Magnetized. Their shipping is $7.00 for priority so buy the other stuff you want to take advantage at their flat rate. Their prices are cheap and I would recommend them!
Also you'll need some shrink tubing sized 3/16, And some of that rubber coated wire that ties the electronics, finally you'll need some wire.(Note the wire doesn't need to be fashionable or anything, its going to be covered up, and the rubber coated wire has to fit half of your wrist.
The third image you see was from K&J Magnetics.
Also you'll need some shrink tubing sized 3/16, And some of that rubber coated wire that ties the electronics, finally you'll need some wire.(Note the wire doesn't need to be fashionable or anything, its going to be covered up, and the rubber coated wire has to fit half of your wrist.
The third image you see was from K&J Magnetics.
Step 2: Lets Build
The Magnets are in and LETS BUILD! First get your rubber coated wire and measure out half of your wrist. (If you don't have enough length of Rubber Coated Wire use the magnets to make it fit). then at the ends use the wire and twist around the ends of the Rubber Coated Wire. Make sure it is only two or three loops. Do it on both sides then attach a Neodymium Magnet in the Shrink Tubing sideways and attach on the ends of the Rubber Coated Wire, Use a lighter to shrink it. After your done with both sides, put super glue on each joint to prevent the magnet from getting out. Then use your remaining and attach both on your hands and enjoy! You can add and take off the magnets for comfort, and you can play with it with some tricks you can find online.
Step 3: Enjoy
Enjoy the Bracelet and the cost for all of the items was $15.34, Not really bad for a bracelet, Enjoy!
Step 4: Enjoy
Enjoy the magnets and give me good ratings, thanks!