Introduction: Make a Mold to Cast Boiled Eggs

About: Im always thinking what to make next. My crafting corner is my happy place. I might be considered a hoarder, if you take a look at my basement full of items waiting to be recycled into something amazing. I lov…

Think about all the molds that you use on the kitchen, they are used for ice, jello, chocolate, cupcakes, bread, etc. But almost all of them are used for making desserts.

In this instructable you’ll learn how to make a mold that you can use to beautify your salads or breakfasts. It will be particularly useful for kids that don’t eat salads that often. Or to impress your guests at a party, with a salad that matches the theme.

Below, you’ll find all the tips to make it completely food safe. And once you have your mold ready, you’ll want to reuse it every time you make boiled eggs, specially because it’ll only take you 3 more minutes to transform an ordinary egg into the perfect egg.

*A note for the language purists. I know that casting by definition is pouring molten (or liquid) material inside a mold, that will then harden. Even though eggs aren’t liquid or molten, they can be shaped by heating them and putting them inside the mold until they get cold. Because of these similarities, I’m saying we’ll be “casting” eggs (yes, with quotation marks).

Step 1: Materials

For the mold we’ll need:

  • Paper and pen
  • Gum paste, which is used for details when making fondant cakes. The main difference with fondant is that gum paste hardens. Depending on how detailed your mold is, fondant should work too. For this Instructable, I got some leftovers from a friend, it’s Wilton’s ready to use gum paste. But there are several other brand options, or you can prepare yours from scratch. Click here for the recipe.
  • Silicone putty. I bought it at Michaels, I found it by the polymer clay. If you don’t find this specific one, just make sure it’s food-grade.
  • One egg
  • One small container with lid. Make sure the egg fits inside without touching the walls.
  • Tin foil
  • One rubber band
  • Tools to shape the gum paste

To cast the egg we need:

  • One egg
  • Water
  • Baking soda

Step 2: ​Make a Sketch

Begin by making a sketch. Remember we’ll shape an egg, although it’s surprisingly flexible, it won’t work as a traditional casting with a liquid medium, filling all nooks and crannies.

As you’ll see, I was able to achieve a detailed shaped, just avoid sharp edges, and thin sections. That’s why I planned on making the two legs in the same piece.

Step 3: Shape the Gum Paste

Use the gum paste to make a piece of about half an egg.

Use the egg as reference for the size.

Then use a sharp knife or x-acto knife (that you’ll use exclusively for food) and trim out the excess to form the outline. Use your sketch as a guide.

Step 4: Add Details

Use other tools like toothpicks, straws, skewers, to make the details. You can make it as detailed as you want, but they all have to be carved into the main shape.

I’ve found that the eggs impress easily, but won’t fill small areas of the mold, so don’t add details by adding more gum paste to the main shape. This is key to make a mold that will work with eggs.

Let it harden for at least 24 hours.

Step 5: Make the Mold

Mix the silicone putty according to the instructions on the package. With this specific brand, I had to mix equal amounts of two components, and mix them until the color is uniform.

Then press a little amount of silicone into the details, to avoid bubbles. Add a little bit more until there’s a thin layer all over the gum paste model.

Then put a layer of silicone at the bottom

Of the mold, then the silicone covered gum paste facing down and fill the corners with more silicone.

Let the silicone cure, mine was ready in 30 min.

Once it’s cured you can take out the gum paste.

Step 6: Get Ready to Shape the Egg

Put the egg in a pot with water and 1/4 tsp baking soda and let it boil for 12 minutes. The egg has to be inside the pot with water before turning on the heat.

More detailed instructions regarding this step can be found in this instructable that inspired me to make my own mold.

While it’s boiling, prepare all the other tools: container with silicon mold at the bottom, lid, rubber band, tin foil.

The tin foil will help us make pressure inside the mold, with this in mind, make a ball that would fit tightly in the container with the silicone mold and the egg, and the lid closed.

Just eyeball it, don’t actually put the raw egg inside with the tin foil and lid or you’ll make a mess.

Step 7: Shape the Egg

After 12 minutes, turn off the heat, take out the egg and peel it as quickly as you can.

It’s hot so be careful. The baking soda makes the shell come off easily, but be careful because if you pinch the egg it’ll leave a mark.

While the egg is hot, put it inside the silicone mold, then fill the empty space with the tin foil ball and close the container.

If your container is cheap, the lid won’t stay on, that’s good because that means there’s enough pressure. Just secure the lid with a rubber band.

Put the container in the freezer for 3-5 minutes.

Then take out your beautiful egg.

Remove the excess with a sharp knife.

The mold is ready to be reused with your next egg (that is still in the water to keep it it hot) or you can take out the silicone from the container and wash both. Wait until they’re completely dry to put the silicone inside the container again.

Step 8: Plate Your Masterpiece

Boiled eggs can be used for many dishes: deviled eggs, salads with all kind of veggies, pasta, with a toast or bagel.

To make it even more fun, use colorful vegetables that will contrast with your perfectly shaped white egg.

I put some blue food coloring in the water that I used to cook the rice.

Finally I experimented adding color to the egg with a little bit of mustard. It tastes really good and it’s the perfect color for the instructable’s robot!