Introduction: Make a VB Script to Answer All of Your Questions

About: I find a quote from Bill Gates makes a very good description. "Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one."
Ready for a stupid script idea I came up with? Here it is. It's an answer to all of you questions, two lines of code, and best of all it's fake!

You will need

-a Computer running Windows 98 or higher
-a Friend (or enemy) with a good sense of humor 

Step 1: Open Notepad.

This step is by far the easiest.




And then notepad should show up.

Step 2: Code

Copy and paste this code into notepad.

a=inputbox("I will answer a question you ask.")
a=msgbox ("The answer is 7!")

Step 3: Save As

Now click
File>Save As...

Then name your file something like answer.vbs

Whatever you call it, at the end type .vbs

Finally, click save.

Step 4: Answer All Your Questions.

Run the script...

Now all of your questions will be answered by this stupid script. Unless your questions answer really is 7, this script isn't too helpful.