Introduction: Make a Whistle From Spent Shell Casings
First and foremost this Instructable inspired by Mrballeng and his .223 whistle. Really like the idea, made a few by soldering but it was a fair amount of work. I then found super glue works well when whistle is used as a desk top curio but alas was no match for a ten year old " Daddy my whistle stopped working". Then through much tinkering found a way to make them using no adhesives just good ol' friction. Before you begin clean all the casings thoroughly to remove any unburnt powder or lead residue. As with anything project dealing with firearms or any of there components use caution and be sure of all safety aspects before beginning. Do not try to remove bullets from the casing in any way other than the firearm they were designed for or a kinetic bullet puller. All casings used in my project were collected at the range on a recent trip.
1x 30-06 casing
1x 5.7x28 casing
1x .22lr casing
files / dremel w cut off wheel
1x 30-06 casing
1x 5.7x28 casing
1x .22lr casing
files / dremel w cut off wheel
Step 1: Insert the .22lr Into the 5.7x28
The first pieces that go together are the .22 and the 5.7.. the .22 casing should seat just inside the neck of the 5.7 casing. Make sure it stays even and tap all the way down with hammer. Okay that is step one down no glue or solder.
Step 2: Marking and Cutting
When marking the casing measure 5/8'' from the base and make a line. Next turn the casing to the head of the .22lrmark between 1/4-1/3 of the head. Hole has to be just right to get good sound so go smaller first because you can always take more off if needed can't put back.. After you are all marked tighten 5.7 in vise and slowly and carefully start filing or turn on your dremel and quickly and carefully cut the areas of as marked. Now that the pieces are cut smooth out any rough areas. We are finished with the guts of the whistle still no solder or adhesives.
Step 3: Measuring and Cutting the Body
Next step is to line up the parts to mark for the cuts to the body of the whistle. lay the insides of the whistle next to the 30-06 casing and mark where the end lines up. Then move the 30-06 casing to the vise and again file with3/8''-1/4'' triangle file or cut with dremel 3/8 down then over 3/8 and down at a 45 to the same point as first cut. after cut clean up any rough edges.
Step 4:
Now that the body and insides are complete it is time for final assembly. Line up the casings so that the whole in the body of the 30-06 is lined up with the small opening in the .22lr casing. Make a line so you keep them lined up during assembly. Again use a hammer to gently tap the insides into the body. As you get close(Be sure isn't full of brass shavings first)blow through the whistle after each strike to get the best sound quality because if you drive it to far in the holes will not line up as they should. All that is left is to smooth out rough edges and remove any overlap at the mouth piece.
Step 5: Finishing Up
After you have gotten it all smoothed down to your liking, wash thoroughly and enjoy for many years to come no rust ,no parts coming off and best of all very easy. Again Thanks Mrballeng for the Instructable that inspired this one.