Introduction: Make a Wrench Organizer

About: I am a construction worker and I like to make things.
Here is an instructable about how to make a wrench organizer. I bought one of these once and liked it but have more than one wrench set to organize. I didn't feel like spending whatever these things cost for each of my wrench sets so I decided to make one. I like the ones I made better than the one I bought. Mine is more comfortable for me to use and is more flexible in how it works. See it standing up in the image below. Oh yeah these work great for storing files too.

Step 1: Assemble Your Materials

Get together a set of wrenches, or files that you want to keep together and organized. Lay them out how you wish them arranged. Now get a scrap piece of 2x4 wood that is long enough to cover your set you want to hold.

Step 2: Make Your Organizer

Kerf angled slots into your 2x4 to hold each item in your tool set. I use a radial arm saw for this but any saw that can kerf the wood could be used I guess. I cut each kerf wide enough to hold the item it needs to hold and leave about a half an inch of wood between kerfs. I haven't had any holder "teeth" break out on me yet. On the left over wood at the top I cut out a handle so I can pick up the organizer, or hang it. I write in the spaces inbetween the kerfs tool sizes sometimes too. Socket holders are more of a pain to make and require a lot more expensive tooling than this project does. Well the one I made did at anyrate. This is so easy I can't believe I actually bought a wrench organizer once ugh!